funny pictures

funny pictures

*0n le date w/super-cute and wholesome girl*
"...I had just such a gosh-darn long day today... I don't know hov the heck I'm *blah blah
*Later that night*
"I want you to fuck my face."
Thinking to myself:
"Wow, this girl's great... She can actually hold a cogent conversation, is really cute,
Where do babies come from?
The stork brings them....
Then who fucks the stork?
He knows too much
Add GingerCOM on XBox :) GT :GingerCOM5
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Teen Burglar Kills Goldfish Because He Didn't Want To Leave Any Witnesses, Cops Say
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Son, I bought you
O Rlly?
What brand?
Edited by MistarP<
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