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Posts: 8018
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With us since: 2014-02-13
About: Занимаюсь переводом комиксов, прокрастинирую в свободное время от работы. Играю на глюкофоне. Big balls lover

BlinkRaven's posts

Highland Moo

As you hike through the windswept hills of the scottish highlands, you notice a tall bovine woman in the distance practicing with a sword. When you get closer she notices you and approaches, kneels down to your eye level and gives you a friendly greeting. She wants to know what you're doing this far out. Maybe you can give her some company while she practices?

New Kitchen Public

She's showing you her new kitchen! Totally just showing you her new kitchen, yeah. Oh those new battery packs on her chest? Yeah those are cool too I guess haha