829.36+2.85 in the last 7 days
Posts: 111
Comments: 3814
With us since: 2015-10-15
About: Веган, либерал, фашист, сатанист, 5 колонна и просто хороший человек.©

Nightborn's posts

Me, looking at the 2nd Amendment, trying to find where it says "except for military weapons"
yes he's drinking Lead Water, yes he's becoming too powerful, yes he's in excruciating pain

(Не)прощальный пост.

Well, this has almost been fun. My only hope now is that more people will discover this site. As for us, .cc residents... This is where we get off. For now. But i'm sure one day, when .com needs us the most, we will return.
Как говорится, они улетели, но обещали вернуться.
з.ы. Прошу за сегодняшний "сделайсам" челлендж засчитать вот этот высер. Ну не было возможности сегодня что-либо придумывать и\или постить.
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