Prince Shawn.
Prince Shawn.
Prince Shawn.
3271.820 in the last 7 days
Posts: 2108
Comments: 576
With us since: 2013-09-13
About: I am very sarcastic and joke around a lot. Except for cats, I have almost every kind of pet a person could have (Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Geckos, Sugar Gliders, etc.). I travel a lot. I've been to over 25 countries and 48 US states. I am a huge sports fan and have Lakers season tickets.

Prince Shawn.'s posts

You know who you haven't talked to
Dude... Trust me! You know how to dance!
Trust me man!
Girls love illegible texts at 3 AM.
You know what's weaker than your fist? That window!
u keep talking police will let you go.
This closet sure looks like a nice place...
There's a perfectly good
Disney Characters You'll Meet in High School