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With us since: 2016-02-29

igor17011977's posts

Bios Incube. The world's first incubator for the afterlife

Bios Incube is the world´s first system designed to help grow the remains of your loved ones into trees.
Bios Urn. A biodegradable urn designed to allow the growth of a tree when planted using the cremated remains of a loved one.
Bios Incube. The Incubator that facilitates growth, and enables you to track and monitor your Bios Urn when and where you want to.

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega+

The Vega+ is a new low cost hand-held games console with a colour LCD screen and 1,000 licensed games already installed. The Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega+, to give the product its full name, is based on Sir Clive’s hugely successful Spectrum products from the past - the early 1980s - and incorporates all the features of the ZX Vega and more, including stereo output for great reproduction of gaming sounds and music. It is the only games console that exists with 1,000 licensed games already included and with both an LCD for anywhere use and the capability to connect to a TV for home use.

Sleep Shepherd Blue - A Sleep Tracker that HELPS You Sleep

The Sleep Shepherd Blue uses brainwave sensors and binaural beats in a biofeedback loop to improve sleep quality and tracking accuracy. The Sleep Shepherd Blue is a comfortable, adjustable headband containing thin speakers and conductive fabric electroencephalograph (EEG) sensors.

The Sleep Shepherd Blue is unlike any other wearable sleep tracker. It’s the first – and only – product to actively promote better sleep and track brainwave activity, which is what sleep professionals use to determine actual sleep stages. The Sleep Shepherd Blue helps you optimize your sleep patterns with a patent-pending biofeedback system using customized binaural beats and passive EEG measurements.
The companion app lets you track your sleep better than other products by showing you your sleep patterns and your head orientations, i.e., how much time you spend on your right side, left side and back while sleeping.

Monitors Brainwaves, Motion, and Sleep Orientation
The Sleep Shepherd Blue's smart alarm feature gradually lifts you out of sleep by gently encouraging your brain to transition into an awake state using specialized binaural beats.