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International Hug Day Awards: 5 Reasons Why They Don’t Work & What You Can Do About It

Over the deep bond between Bergamo and its main architectural monument, all the involvement and participation that the candidature Unesco has raised in recent months. A participation which, in the end, even sconfinerà in the challenge. Because now we are in the final stages and, after 8 years of work, the project leader who sees Bergamo involving three Italian regions (Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia) and as many States (Italy, Croatia and Montenegro), is in the Paris office of ' Unesco thoroughly reviewed by its officers to be expressed by February 2017.

Therefore, in addition to the sense of sharing and spectacle of the scenery, the initiative will also result in an event record.

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The Edge of Elysium - Vehicle Concept

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How do we call it?

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Glimpse into the Belarus

It is quite possible that you will be interested in the view of situation through the eyes of a common citizen of Belarus
I remind you that Belarus is NOT directly involved in the conflict (at least not yet). We are simply providing a foothold for Russian troops. The initiator of this is the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who forcibly seized power. The result of this was six months of protests, during which dozens died, tens of thousands went to prison, a hundred thousand people left the country. The repression continues to this day.
Direct impact on life - exchange rates. Before the beginning of the conflict, dollar costed 2.5 rubles, now it is 3. Following the dollar, prices for everything imported are rising. The credit cards are working, for now. It is impossible to exchange rubles to foreign currency, it is simply nowhere to be found. 
That's kinda it. Economically we feel better than Russia.
If to speak about the mood - no one wants to fight at all. AT ALL. Supporters of the Lukashenko regime are not very keen on this idea.
If you ask me, the conflict is supposed by 5-10 percent of the population at best. Sadly, sociology in Belarus is dead, so we can't say anything certain. 
The military is also not enthusiastic about the prospects. A friend of mine serves in military and says that if he is sent, he is going to desert. The whole company has about the same attitude.
Recently there have been protests, large ones. 700 people were arrested, and this is the level of protests at the end of autumn, when ~50 thousands where on the streets. The police are not very cruel (meaning that the demonstrators are not beaten or tortured), but they do not give any slack
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