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1+ took millions of years to perfect the upright Kumarv form
And you orvly need a feu months behind a desk to ruin it.
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Some+iVvves +Ke ^rea+es+ advancements
Come not -from the most ín+ell('¡^en+
But from +Ke most lazy.
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If you are tryiro^ to o^et promoted dress for the
ard rot the ore you already have.
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Nobody l(kes fo see public displays 0-f Ci.-f-fe.cfiOY'
(-Mess (i* S сел elderly couple.
Or lesbians.,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,calmblueoceans,feelings
It's ^rea+ +o be (A iwcK wi+h your inner cKild
But +ry and repress your inner thirteen year old.
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TKree wise o^urus were walkiAo^ aloAo^ +he beacK C0A+empla+iV\o^ +Ke mysteries of +Ke UAiverse
wKer\ +Key came upor' a Small cKild collection seashells.
OK, wise masters, wKy is it tKat tKiS SKell wasKed up t O'r- tKe beacK I perfectly intact,
’ wKile all of tKe otKers X- are just broken pieces?
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