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Unfair Monday

Saturdaa - 10.12arñ~^
CommitStrip.com,commitstrip,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,programmer,job,deadline,unfair
%4 m	> People who do lots of work., make lots of mistakes. F 1
it	People who do less work... make less mistakes.
	People who do no work... make no mistakes.
People who moke no mistakes... get promoted. I will continue Congratulations! to work hard! » /77T\\	
\-ifl $
November 15*. 2013
Dear Mr. Jones
We (hank you for your interest in our work. Unfortunately though, we have no interest in your attached sketch entitled "A Breakthrough in Awesome Space Rockets, Now Give Me Some Money”. We've long been aware of the science behind the reaction that occurs
can I borrow $10?
Nlo. I think ¡Vs tiroeyoo 30+a job,toonhole,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,dad,father,son,money,job
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