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((12 + 144 + 20 + (3 * 4A(1/2))) / 7) + (5 * 11) = 9A2 + 0
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¿b 4 people like this.	
Dozen, a Gross and a Score,	
plus three times the square root of four,	
divided by seven,	
plus five times eleven,	
equals nine squared and not a bit more.	
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Ever/ moaning I make a calculation before getting out of bed
Total number of	Number of
days I’ve bad off X people I like in tbe last 4 weeks at tbe office
Willingness to go to work
Average number of days per week tbere’s free food in tbe break room
Number of sick days I have remaining
so today my friend Tyler went to Publix he noticed that there was a promotional sale for Sun Drop because like no one here buys it. and they were selling them for like almost 6 cents a bottle
so naturally Tyler bought 600 bottles.
it took 3 cars to transport all of the
Е(х t)=	"в
&*% С?
га*—Гд,\	||*|ИПГ	«<.<-****
= 0 (£_>£)д^в
(-** + —)$*•<* «О = 0	=	0
£*-pV total energy £* _ pV + mV
> 0-5+^ *«>*• *=o	(¿-¿¿-=£>-* -
>(* ¿)=фов*** ** y^l*W*=3 dnnawon sod тдатпрт^ p*nr = !2^L
í = W1+^?"me’(1+51S^)“m¿,+
u the cltavcal kinetic energy
Ф(* t) = Фое»0* тЛ rt)
I'm doing my homework... Right now...
,math,gif,animated pictures,friend
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