
Search results for "europe map"

Japanese Craftsman Restores Old Books

Nobuo Okano has been restoring books for 30 years.
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A guy brought in an old, 1,000-page English-Japanese dictionary.
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He used it in his youth and now wants to restore it and give it to his daughter.
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Nobuo begins by shaving the old glue from the spine.
The book had some maps of English-speaking countries. They suffered greatly, so Nobuo glued them to new sheets of paper.
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The color doesn’t match perfectly, but he can prevent them from degrading further.
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The most monotonous part is straightening out every page corner with tweezers…
…and then wetting and ironing the corners straight.
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He even has a special tiny iron for the job.
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The owner wrote his high school sweetheart’s initials on the book in ink.
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Using a heavy-duty paper cutter, Okano removes the color from the edges.
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New, minty-fresh pages!
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Last but not least, the cover, with the original title on a brand-new background.
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,japanese,book,gif,animated pictures

Everybody around the world knows what comics are funny, heroic and sometimes sarcastic stories in pictures. These illustrated stories became popular by the mid-20th century in the USA, Western Europe, and Japan. The term originates from the English word ‘comic’ and can be understood without translation in every nook of the earth. We are interested in so-called web comics which are wide-spread in the Internet.

The most well-known web comics are Cyanide and Happiness, LunarbaboonSMBC, Dilbert, Dorklyxkcd, WumoCtrl+Alt+Del, which you can find here, on JoyReactor.com. All these comics (and this is not the full list!) differ from each other in their style, humor and satire, methods of drawing, and the themes they are devoted to.

Our subscribers do their best to find new, funny and up-to-date comics, pictures and gif images to make JoyReactor.com the unique place of the best and latest jokes!

Comics are the drawn stories. But how one can make them interesting and readable? Good comics should consist of a lead-in, a climax and an afterword. They should be short, in order not to get the readers tired, but pithy, vivid and, of course, funny.

You can find comics that meet all these requirements in this of the biggest category on JoyReactor.com.


Not even f*cking joking, someone beat Dark Souls on a Rock Band Guitar controller.
Here we've collected best posts, arts, cartoons, memes related to europe map (+830 posts - europe map)