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Japanese Craftsman Restores Old Books

Nobuo Okano has been restoring books for 30 years.
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A guy brought in an old, 1,000-page English-Japanese dictionary.
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He used it in his youth and now wants to restore it and give it to his daughter.
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Nobuo begins by shaving the old glue from the spine.
The book had some maps of English-speaking countries. They suffered greatly, so Nobuo glued them to new sheets of paper.
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The color doesn’t match perfectly, but he can prevent them from degrading further.
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The most monotonous part is straightening out every page corner with tweezers…
…and then wetting and ironing the corners straight.
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He even has a special tiny iron for the job.
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The owner wrote his high school sweetheart’s initials on the book in ink.
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Using a heavy-duty paper cutter, Okano removes the color from the edges.
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New, minty-fresh pages!
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Last but not least, the cover, with the original title on a brand-new background.
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Have you ever wondered where books come from?
Well then, let me show you, because that’s what I do for a living.
Right now, it's this time of the year, and the little ones have just freshly hatched:
You’ll notice they're still blind and
See? Better. Now they're ready to go and explore the world.,baby,books,tumblr
And if they make it through the winter and we take good care of them, they will grow up to be strong and wise like their older fellows:
So, in case you were ever wondering, now you know.
. 71
As a Publishing Professional I can say that this is 10000% accurate, and I am a little concerned you're

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