

If only all tech nerds were this sexy.
Master of Cloth, but rarely wears any.
_ _ _My ass. This one's desperate. _ _
My ears just heard "Pie ^¡xjnch me as much as youTUfê
l i __mSImimPi	I_I
And we wonder why they are so violent
My next knife here's
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Ways to make your life less bothersome
No. 1
This situation should loo] familiar unfortunately.
You decided to have that L, Mexican bean burrito dipped in Indian sauces and spices and Japanese wassabi paste.
And now your anus is open wider than a fucking garage
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Ha ha Now You’re Fockid
My buddy smokes weed, and was going on vacation to
Antigua with his girlfriend. He asked me if they ever have drug sniffing dogs at
the airports. I told him I didn’t know.
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My brother,
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u Don't fall in love with the one who kisses your ass, fall for the one who pushes you up against a wall and rips your clothes off and
#50 - EricCartmann 53 minutes ago;
|, #51 - JimmyValmer 52 minutes ago}
| E-Eric, what are y-you doing here?
Jl #52 - EricCartmann (47 minutes ago)
" you have an account too? aw, goddammit! well, at least kyle doesnl have one
#55 to #52 - TheKyleBroflovski online 35 minutes ago}
^ What
c'mere nigga ima eat you
don't fuckin run, bitch
i see yo cracka ass
and i want it
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