

,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,tardaasa,poop,fetish,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes
SSomefile Talk to strangers'.
You’re chatting with a random stranger on Omegle!
You: Hey Stranger: hi
You: Funnyjunk/4Chan/reddit/9gag?
Stranger: reddit You: Okay You: I respect that
You: Fuck that you are our sworn enemy Stranger: ok then i shall fight you?
You: Yes
You: Let us cyber duel
You don't have to rate, but please don't skip. Biandi Hicks doii>le-he<)rle<l diklo ass to ass hick InkKje
Brandi Hick« OMG I'm so sorry everyone! Thou^it (hat was the yx& toobar id... anyone know how to delete a status Lpdate77t7t
10 rrrutts ago Defete
Kaylec Griffin go to yxr profte and cfck
□ Anonymous 07/07/11 (Thu)01:31 No.101561355
>constipated for about 3 weeks >finally beginning to recover >feel that shift in my bowels >IT IS TIME
>ask teacher If I can go to the toilet >she nods
>walk with purpose to the bathroom >sit myself down on the toilet >nothing
>suddenly. sharp
File 1333223832962 ¡dq-i'46 KB 250x250. teen-rap.jpg)
□ Anonymous (ID: Z0a4fX+4) 05/28/12(Mon)14:13:52 No.402556382
Here's my rape story /b/, read if you want to.
would you see rape?
Sex with someone v<ho doesn't want to ts rape Home Offtc
>chilling in my house >couple of friends come over
"Allright just finished the Shinx Taser post. Just about ready to
"Hmm, I should probably put something about the suggestions. A lot of people kept saying to make a Charmander lighter. Better put something saying I can't do that."
I need suggestions on what to make next, and thats where you
Here we collect posts, jokes, pictures about nsfw (+9595 posts - nsfw, sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes)