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(J” rom birth, a male angler fish is basically worthless; he's small, weak, and can barely find food.
dood, I'm fwsh out of the Womv> and t g€net^allj suck at life. Could you spot me some of that c^vj you'll eating?
i don’t even need a decent piece, just let me gnavJ on an ege socket op.
,angler,fish,informative,the oatmeal,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,anglerfish
^JThe male, upon seeing her, will realize his calling in life.
.vty 6od! Sine's beautiful!	y	.
.vfy 6od! Sine's toeauti-ful? She's the one!
finally,	sufferng is at an end.
nd he'll start biting her.
\ Want to Kiss y>u. op- eat y>u. /4a^ioe a little loit of vjotin. i don't tape, as long as We'W
hile biting, his lips will start to melt.
rtnm..that's odd.
.Meh, senit... I'll just Keep toting.
Then, his internal organs will also start melting and fuse into the side of the female's body.
cw 6oo, \aJwat T^e swT is Tws?!!
Eventually, his entire body will fuse into hers. The only thing that
Dalis are like snowflakes: they're unique, beautiful, and every animal is only allowed one pair.
The female angler, however, defiles this notion and can fuse with multiple males.
Meaning she can have as many balls as
i ttAVe >ioT o>te, vioT IvJo, e>UT E-l&HT paks of ftSttY
,angler,fish,informative,the oatmeal,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,anglerfish