What do you call a bee that comes from America?
USB,pun intended,long post
Can February march?
No, but April may.,pun intended,long post
What do you call a belt with a clock on it?
A waist of time.,pun intended,long post
What did the buffalo say to his son at school dropoff?
Bison.,pun intended,long post
What ¿o you ca II a rnay'\c A og?
A LabtracaAabraAor.,pun intended,long post
What do you call a bear with no ears?
B.,pun intended,long post
Whats the b esf thing about Switzerland?
I don't know, bot the it -flag is a huge plus-,pun intended,long post
¿o With a ¿ea¿ ehern i it?
What <d
о you
You ßatiunn.,pun intended,long post
On what da/ of the week do chickens hide?
Fry-day.,pun intended,long post
What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?
An irrelephant.,pun intended,long post
\s my step ladder.
I neve»' knew my rea I ladder.,pun intended,long post
What Ao you get When a chicken I ays its eggs- on the top of a h ill?,pun intended,long post
hoW ¿o you make a hot dog stand?
You take a Way its chair.,pun intended,long post
Where should you leave your dog when you go shopping?
In the booking lot.,pun intended,long post