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Top 10 Movies That Will Inspire You To Write

When writers are trying to get inspired, they usually turn their attention inwards. Their minds are chaotic, and their souls are too emotional. If you have ever tried this method, you know it can go both ways: it may either lead you to creative state, or it may make you more confused than you ever were. Sometimes it’s good to forget about your worries and take a well-deserved rest. Here is a suggestion for a procrastinating activity that won’t make you feel guilty: watch a great movie that will inspire you to create new characters for your story or make the existing ones deeper.

Have you been forcing yourself to write with no success? Maybe you’re done with an important project, so you’re looking for a way to relax? The films suggested in the following infographic are a good choice for any situation! Most of them are classics, so you have to watch them with no excuses. A writer has to be knowledgeable about different forms of art, so you can organize a movie marathon that will serve a great purpose.
All movies suggested in this infographic are inspired by creative souls, as well as by the tortuous process that leads to grand masterpieces. When you see film, literature, and music intertwined in a great visual presentation, you’ll get inspired to go back to your work.

If you are looking for a lighter movie that will help you relax, then you can start with Impromptu – a romantic movie about the life of Frederic Chopin. As all other talented souls, he had a difficult life that inspired him to create the most beautiful music. Are you ready for a seemingly light biography that leaves you with an agonizing impression? Watch Finding Neverland and proceed with all other suggestions in this infographic.
Take the day off! After you watch a great movie, you’ll be inspired to go back to your writing.

This visual is powered by TopReviewStars.com essay service team.
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Hide and Seek Alone

Playing hide-and-seek-alone is quite popular in various parts of Asia. Those who have tried it report that it actually works and that they felt their lives were threatened.

You will need:

A doll with legs. (The doll serves as a place for the spirit to enter, therefore it is advised that you not use a human doll or a doll that you really like because there is a great chance that the spirit will not leave the doll.)
Rice (The spirit that eats this offering is said to grow stronger)
Red thread (This symbolizes blood and acts of restraint)
Something from your body (Fingernails are the most commonly used, but some use their own blood, skin, hair, etc. Don’t use someone else’s body parts or else it becomes a curse.)
Weapon (Something to stab the doll with so that you can anger it. Real knives are dangerous, so most people use pencils or needles.)
Salt water or alcohol (Without this, the game won’t end. This material is used to get rid of the spirit.)
Hiding place
A name (Giving the spirit a name is the most powerful thing a human can give. Names give spirits great power.)
Step 1: Cut the doll and replace its insides with rice.

Step 2: Place something from your body into the doll.

Step 3: Wrap the doll with the red thread thread as if to hinder it.

Step 4: In a bathroom, pour water into a large washbasin and find some place to hide.

Step 5: Place a cup of salt water in the place before starting the game.

To play:

Step 1: Start at 3 A.M. because that is the time when spirits are most active

Step 2: Give the doll a name

Step 3: When the clock strikes three, close your eyes and say “First tagger is (doll name)!” three times. (If you’re talking to the doll, you must talk sternly.)

Step 4: Go to the bathroom and place the doll in the washbasin.

Step 5: Turn off all the lights

Step 6: Close your eyes and count to ten. Ready your your weapon and head to the bathroom. Go to the doll and say "I found you (doll name)!" and stab the doll. Afterward, close your eyes again and say "Now (doll name) is it!"three times

Step 7: Place the weapon next to the doll and go to your hiding place. You MUST lock the door as well as all other doors and windows.

Step 8: Drink the salt water, but do not swallow or spit it out. The salt water will protect you from the spirit.

To end:

When you want to end the game, take any leftover salt water or alcohol and find the doll. Keep in mind that the doll may not be in the bathroom and there have been instances of it being outside. When you find the doll, Spray the salt water in your mouth on the doll and do the same with the excess water you have left. Close your eyes and shout “I win! I win! I win!” The spirit in the doll will give up and and the game ends. It is advised to dispose of the doll by burning it.


Keep the game under two hours. After two hours, the spirit in the doll will be too strong to be removed.
You must play alone. The more people there are, the higher the chances of someone getting possessed.
Don’t go outside
When hiding, BE SILENT
Turn off all electronics before starting
When running away, DO NOT LOOK BACK. Also, don’t fall asleep while playing. The doll might stab you.
When discovered by the doll, you can get a small wound or even get possessed. If found by the doll, be careful because your weapon will be somewhere on the floor or in your pocket.
After the game is over, it is important to clean up properly. Be sure to put salt in every corner of the house, especially places where you put the doll and where you found it. Salt is said to scare away spirits.
People who have played have reported some of the following events that usually take place while playing:

TV changing channels on its own
Perfectly normal lights flickering
Doors opening and closing
Hearing the sound of laughter
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