
Adventure Time Girls by Shade Einnharder.

The Streets - Chapter I: A Long Way From Home by Dan LuVisi.
14 reasons to subscribe nothing but porn or xxx-files tags if you haven't done so yet: http://joyreactor.com/post/1356795

Have a good evening :)

Godzilla as a Xenomorph by Axel Medellin
So, congratulations, people, it's Fridaaaay! And I'm posting some stuff, that will make you a little bit more happy today (or ease your morning).
I want to post something more "spicy" in the evening, so stay tuuuned and turn your sfw mode off (of course if you're 18 or older).

Have a really good day, people! :)
,zombie,apocalypse,IRL,tubey toons
Hog closely -foey are actually ScrulmíZírg y>u
Wouj Self-assufed yoti assume otters are
Hou) Self-assured ffey actually afe
How sexual^ ,s portroyec/
Hooj Sexualí-hj is
Hou) imtilutonS OfpeaT
Hoco institutions are
How alone you are
How alone you arent
How -fertonofe you migtí be