I grew up in the 50s and 60s. The age of polio, rubella, measles and mumps. An age when as soon as you turned 6 you were trotted in for surgery for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Where a transatlantic call cost ~$20 / min and most out of state calls were placed by an operator. You even had to get an operator for an emergency call. TV reception was via "rabbit ears" or an outside antenna. If you missed a show, tough! No 24 hour programming; most stations went off the air at midnight. For convenience you had TV dinners which you heated in the oven. They consisted generally of a piece of meat made from recycled shoe leather, mashed potatoes with the consistency and taste of raw flour and sand, and some unidentified veggie cooked to point that you could eat it with a straw. The "good old days" sucked imo. As I recline here on my sofa after watching Gotham which I recorded on my DVR, typing on my tablet's touch screen I can honestly say good riddance to "the good old days". I haven't had to keep up with technology; it has had to keep up with me! :-D
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