At least somewhere I am mentioned in the context of the "Legends of JoyReactor"
CUMrade white gachi man from close rASSions CUMmunity
Bad for me. Me and my secret mission was taken the wraps off.
We fucked, right?
My congratulations, pidor)
Уууу сука
Я уже предупреждал, что делаю работу над ошибками. И, что прошу отписаться желающих. Хотя, конечно, он мог затеряться среди других.
В любом случае, любой может добавить себя. Как с новогодней ёлкой реактора.
the time is now
MA!!! MAAAAAA!!!!! I’M ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!
Уиии!)Меня не забыли!
Мама, меня нет в телевизоре (((
Нас никто не любит
Kogda nibud' i ya budu v televizore, mama
Good thing at least there i'm not metioned as fag.
That doesn't change the fact the You are fag
Once a fag - forever fag, huh?
Yup, everyone here is a fag!
.com invasion, what a show!
.com invasion, here we go!
We hava a mission, give here more content.
.com invasion, here we go!
We hava a mission, give here more content.
We know youu wishin that we gooooo away......
But the .CC's here and it's here to staaaaaay!!!!
But the .CC's here and it's here to staaaaaay!!!!
Why there's multiple me?
That's called schizophrenia, moi dorogoi
well, at least I wont be odinok any more.
Revolver Ocelot
I deleted all the blanks for the meme. Then I took it back from the basket, but did not take into account that I changed you to you with an avatar.
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