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,calmblueoceans,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,daughter,fear
So X could fly Ьяск +o you
calmblueoceans.co^,calmblueoceans,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,penguin,wings
CaAiAes were OAe of the -first aAimals to be directly iAflueAced by maA.
TKe OAes who were tame, trustiAOj aAd capable of uAderstaAdiAo^ the cues aiad Si^Aals of humaAS thrived.
But what if they also irvflueAced our evolotior-"^
TKe humaAS who were kiAd, o^eAerous ard capable of f eeliAo^
Source and the freshest comics are here
X have a compulsive леей to hold the door орел -for еуегуоле behmd me
X thmk this iS hou most тел see me:
Алй иотел probably See me like this:
But this is hou X see mysel-f :
"All hail Poor Knight!"
са1тЬ1иеосеал5.сот,calmblueoceans,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,door
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