IJrp Still “--------------- No	don	t	Don’t	30	Just	ston	F.nnnoh
Use	Still	ZnTZ	woaoni Uont	30	Just	Stop Enough
Water	Use	What	put your wash	hot	use
Water	hands in ever	30	hot
Just Why Don’t Stop NO Fucks Stupid Too many No use	wash	it	TENNIS	sake	Tennis Christmas
30	Tennis	balls	BALLS	Balls

Question to the group

Does anyone feel that Joyreactor should have an iOS & Android App? Would that be a good or not-so-good idea?
,strawberry,geek,gif,gif animation, animated pictures

Police Reports Illustrated: Stabbed for a MacBook by Callan Berry

Aft-er	fiie.	MuAj
W hoT hc\c/ jo p pos\Qc/
I W(XS "hr"yi/\Q-f"o\ ic(( /vvj Afoxeboo/eJ +o <x Tr;e/W Op
X cW+ re/^e/Mt^r r'3*v* rvoix/ loof x ^ef -IX/-»*, . rttAe- 3UJ ^ +*»2. Wt of ». F,,^ F-ISO ¿cfa*> E,ifW& x WOvS fceslW -Ho gef //i fAe -hrock...
A-j- wKiúA ро(л-/-	-f-ook
№(Kcbook <KnJ $>2.00 -fco/v\ me.
Look ГЛС^Л,
~Ргол^ р^ч. ia kíT/бГ4^ Г<^Ь4- лои/,
The vícf/Vn Ьесочлое -hoa éeobvfe^ 'fe (хЛ^^лУеГ
Officers оол+Ис/е. -ho ¡n \JQ.$ti<joére.,police,stab,story,gif,gif animation, animated pictures

,polygon,cabaret,dance,gif,gif animation, animated pictures