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Hipsa_Plack's posts

Removing Removing the polish the Polish with	with
chemicals chemicals,meme
You’re hiding Christinas guests under the flMffjoards, are you not?,movies
—! v ■ ngTuj. ■ • teen who receive« a heart transplant after controversy two years ago Details at 11 prc twitter comfbaFfPwsvp7
that's the best plctyre yall had of him?
Typical white media trying to make us look bad Fucking racists ass white people misrepresntin us
I'm tired ot the media
,gif,gif animation, animated pictures,Mexico,countries
Religion waiting for science to find a covid-19 vaccine so they can give god all the credit.,#antireligion,misc,covid-19
I have learned that white racists can’t tell one Asian person from another. To them, every Asian is Chinese. #racism
When you say white, do you mean Slavic, Germanic, Caucasian, Latin, Turkic, Celtic, Scandanavian or can't you tell9,SJW,pun intended